Baku International Humanitarian Forum

How important are values on national and international basis? How do national identities effect the development of global values? What is the effect of progress in medicine? What about sustainability of energy and environment?  What is the role of mass media in times of internet and  technological progress?

Global challenges were the issues that brought together about 800 participants of the 3 rd Humanitarin Forum helt in Baku October 31 – November 1, co-chaired by Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation. The hospitality shown at this enormous event was enromous.


President Aliyev at the opening speech

A large number of highly qualified people and decision makers met, including 7 former Presidents, 13 Nobel Prize laureates, 7 Emeritus Professors, 107 world-famous public and political figures. Overall, 800 participants, representing 70 countries and 5 international organizations, took part in the Forum.coming from all around the world and different professions, discussed questions, that do not have a place in every day life, but do effect us every day and wherever we live.


Nobel prize winners gave statements about their major concerns for the future. All 800 participants could listen to many wise words, some quite moving. The questions were so big, that there can be no “yes, this is what we have to do” or “no, this is not promising”. But all of the 800 participants left the forum inspired to go on thinking and to look for solutions.

No national issues were discussed, not those of Azerbaijan nor of any other country.  Discussions and round tables, networking across borders and topics offered great chances, a wholistic approach.

This Forum  could become stepstone to solve some questions that are not discussed anywhere else, although they are present everyday and everywhere.

Why does Azerbaijan organize this huge event? What is Azerbaijans interest in hosting so many people at a time, when still so much needs to be done in the country? This question still remains to be answered.


After two days it was time to leave…!

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