Tag: energy

SCO Conference in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. September 15-16, 2022

The sun will be shining, but the topics are dark. Heads of State from  Russia and China, Turkey and...

Kazakhstan. Challenges ahead

Kazakhstan is facing great challenges. Internal and external challenges. But, as often quoted, a challenge is also an opportunity,...

The EU in Central Asia

Abstract: It was the need for energy, independent from Russian sources, that started the Central Asia Initiative of the European...

Georgia War and Peace

Greetings to all my friends in Georgia! Exactly ten years ago Georgia was invaded by Russia, involved in a conflict...

The Energy Matrix: Iran and the US

A lot has been said these days about this topic, too much. A lot of speculating. Why? Why now? The...

Heiße Sache! Energiesparen ade!

Diese Geschichte muss ich einfach einmal los werden: Es gibt Dinge, die sind bekannt. Aber wenn man ihnen unverhofft im...

Energy & Climate Change: Fluten in Thailand and Südostasien

Überschwemmungen in Südostasien! Weite Strände und warme Wellen, sattes Grün und freundliche Menschen. So sehen wir gerne die begehrten...

Rice and Coffee in Global Climate Change

Rice farmers in Asia as well as coffee farmers in South America - they all suffer from climate change...

Formula 1 in Baku, June 17-19

Cars race at maximum speed, passing the beautiful scenery of centuries old city of Baku - what a sight!...

There is no such Thing as Free Energy

There is no such thing as free energy. We have to pay for oil, for gas, for electricity. Today,...

Alerts in Iran – growing tensions with Israel and Azerbaijan

Troops in Iran are on highest alert - tensions with Israel have risen to a state that has reached...

Security Conference in Munich, Energy Security

What are the threats, what do we have to worry about these days? There are lots of things we...