Georgia – demonstrations keep going

Day by day, night by night, thousands of demonstrators peacefully walk the streets of Tbilisi, singing, dancing, holding Georgia and EU flags. Tear gas and water canons have not stopped them. As a long term visitor and friend of the country I have never before seen such massive demonstrations.

Georgia´s population is young: half of them are under 26 years old. They are demonstrating for their future. Many of them are well educated, many know a foreign language, and many have traveled abroad – or at least have a close relative who has traveled outside of Georgia.

But not only the one ones, but also the older generation is in the streets. Russia still occupies 20% of Georgia – this is well remembered. The War in 2008 brought the terrible awareness that mighty neighbors cannot be stopped, if Georgia is left alone. In 2008, the EU supported Georgia, and worked out a ceasefire with Russia.

The situation now is different, but forces in rivalry are the same. President Burshadnadze is tirelessly travelling around, raising awareness. The Georgian people deserve more attention, they deserve support, and they deserve decent and honest elections.

And they deserve the support of several neighboring states, who need Georgia as a transport corridor between Europa, Central Asia and China.




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